Monday, April 28, 2008

Following the I

Moving on to better things, I need to look back and recognize those who've brought me to this point. They are a sound-wave's length away, but I still cannot face my goodbye. I have always loved the idea of getting up and leaving. I wonder why?
The idea of adventure makes my heart soar, but the rebel's yell makes me tremble. Everyone loves a little bit of the wild life, but it gets old fast, especially when you watch those you once loved die into substance. So when you meet new people that have nothing unique to set them apart, you have no outstanding relationship, it is so easy to leave. And others, you know they aren't good for your life, so you must leave..


secret blogger said...

I really love the way you write. As I've said before, they always make me think and I find myself reading the post 2 or 3 times to really understand it as they often speak to me and ring true to my life.

justchum said...

i totally agree with secret blogger; the way you write is stellar.